The Benefits that your own directory will bring
- More return visits
- Improved site navigation
- Compete with larger organizations
- Easy to update and maintain
- More content
- Greater site popularity
- Use as a site search or internet search
CosmicDirectories v3.5 (formerly Directory Pro) is a powerful software package which allows you to create your own fully customizable, searchable website directory. Offering even more, with all the top end feature you need, and some new features not even seen in Yahoo!
If you manage a large links list then CosmicDirectories can make your life easier. Categorize and sub categorize, add, review and remove sites easily. The Tradeonly option allows you to list only sites that have linked back to you, you don't have to check for a link back, the script does that before the site is submitted! Create your own Yahoo or Dmoz style directory and run things the way you want them to be run. Bring in moderators to help you manage your directory assigning them specific categories to work in.
Cosmic Synergy - software products are compatible with each other to the extent that their services can integrate directly together. This creates a much more powerful marketing and revenue building system for your website.
CosmicDirectories also features quick integration with CosmicAffiliate (formerly AllAffiliatePro) and CosmicEmailer. So you can offer affiliates 3 types of commission on new site listings. You can also have emails from new submissions automatically added to your mailling list.
Our new Easy Install system makes installing cgi scripts easier than ever before. Now even a novice to CGI software can install website software without any problems. Variable configuration is done through a user friendly HTML form interface and default settings on your server are also detected. Each scripts perl path is written by the install system so you don't need to edit each cgi file. The Easy Install system also Chmod's each cgi file, chmod being a newbie sore point. Our site also contains a guide to FTP and Chmod in the Tech Support area.
If you haven't a clue on how to install cgi software, or simply haven't the time then we will setup the software for you.
If you have any questions about CosmicDirectories then look through the example pages and features list below. If you have any further questions then please e-mail us.

Software Setup
If you're new to CGI scripts, or simply dont have the time then we at CGI Scripts will upload and setup our scripts on your server for you.
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