The Benefits that YOUR CosmicTells will bring
- Your traffic generates you more traffic
- The more traffic you have the more this program will give you
- Visitors able to select how many friends to tell
- Emailable database of all emails recorded
- Requires no maintenance
CosmicTells v2 (formerly TellaFriend Multi) is a useful traffic increasing program that has been given a professional touch. Visitors to your site have the opportunity to message their friend's about your site. They can select how many friends to message and CosmicTells will generate the appropriate form.
You setup the default message to promote your site, and your visitors deliver the message round the net for you. This can be setup for each individual page on your site. The email storage capability allows you to bulk mail all those in your list.
Cosmic Synergy - software products are compatible with each other to the extent that their services can integrate directly together. This creates a much more powerful marketing and revenue building system for your website.
CosmicTells also features quick integration with CosmicAffiliate (formerly AllAffiliatePro) and CosmicEmailer. So you can offer affiliates a commission per sending or for each email sent to. You can also have emails from new tell a friend sendings automatically added to your mailling list.
Installation is simpler than ever before, with easy html based variable editing and detailed clear installation guide. If you haven't a clue on how to install cgi software, or simply haven't the time then we will setup the software for you.
Without CosmicTells in place your site is missing out on quality traffic you deserve.
If you have any questions about CosmicTells then look through the example pages and features list below. If you have any further questions then please e-mail us here.

Software Setup
If you're new to CGI scripts, or simply dont have the time then we at CGI Scripts will upload and setup our scripts on your server for you.
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